
Parry, V., Kiemel, K., Pawlak, J., Eccard, J., Tiedemann, R., Weithoff, G. (2023).
Drivers of zooplankton dispersal in a pond metacommunity. Hydrobiologia, 1-19.

Kiemel, K., Gurke, M., Paraskevopoulou, S., Havenstein, K., Weithoff, G., Tiedemann, R. (2022). Variation in Heat Shock Protein 40kDa relates to divergence in thermotolerance among cryptic rotifer species. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 22626.

Kiemel, K., Weithoff, G., Tiedemann, R. (2022). DNA metabarcoding reveals impact of local recruitment, dispersal, and hydroperiod on assembly of a zooplankton metacommunity. Molecular Ecology, 00:1–20.

Kiemel, K., De Cahsan, B., Paraskevopoulou, S., Weithoff, G., Tiedemann, R. (2022). Mitochondrial genomes of the freshwater monogonont rotifer Brachionus fernandoi and of two additional B. calyciflorus sensu stricto lineages from Germany and the USA (Rotifera, Brachionidae) Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7(4), 646-648.

Stiegler, J., Kiemel, K., Eccard, J., Fischer, C., Hering, R., Ortmann, S., Strigl, L., Tiedemann, R., Ullmann, W., Blaum, N. (2021). Seed traits matter—Endozoochoric dispersal through a pervasive mobile linker. Ecology and Evolution, 11:18477-18491.

De Cahsan, B., Kiemel, K., Westbury, M. V., Lauritsen, M., Autenrieth, M., Gollmann, G., Schweiger, S., Sternberg, M., Nyström, Drews, H., Tiedemann, R. (2021). Southern introgression increases adaptive immune gene variability in northern range margin populations of Fire‐bellied toad. Ecology and Evolution, 11(14), 9776-9790.

Tiedemann, R., Pampoulie, C., Schneider, A., Kiemel, K., Witting, L., Simon, M.J., Olsen, M.E., Skaug, H.J., Oien, N., Víkingsson, G.A. (2014). Genetic structure of the North Atlantic common minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) at feeding grounds: a combined microsatellite and mtDNA analysis. IWC 2014-SC65b-RMP09.

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